线上商贸配对 通往无尽商机
HOFEX Connect是一站式线上商贸配对平台,助全球供应商及买家进行配对,创造高效及高质的商业机会。 来自世界各地及不同餐饮范畴的参展商将于网上平台展示最优质产品,买家可利用简易设定及选取工具,轻松筛选并无限量约见优质潜在合作伙伴!
3月HOFEX Connect 网上商贸配对活动大获成功!短短三日的活动为全球餐饮专才建立大量商业联系,开拓无限商机!下次活动将于2021年7月6至8日举行,立即参与!




We source F&B for five-star hotels and casinos in Philippines. Due to the pandemic, it has been difficult sourcing for new suppliers and being in F&B we need to be updated with latest products and suppliers in the market. Thanks to HOFEX Connect we are able to see what are the new opportunities.
Mr Benjamin Ong
Vice President, Artisan Cellars & Fine Foods Inc. Philippines
HOFEX Connect was a great platform for me to find new suppliers. I always received the support I needed on meeting arrangement from the Organiser. Thanks to that I was able to meet with the suppliers out of my busy schedule. The event was overall very well-organised.
Mr Danny Ho
Executive Pastry Chef, Hotel Icon Hong Kong
We are developing a healthy menu and would like to source for some niche F&B products. HOFEX Connect has matched me with the right suppliers while saving my time and effort looking for them all by myself. It was definitely a very helpful business matchmaking platform.
Mr Men Ho Ma
Head Chef, The Wall Street Bar Hong Kong
Good Customer Service. I liked receiving updates on my upcoming calls and even been contacted by phone to remind me. The team was also very fast to solve issues.
Mr Gerardo Rios
Buyer, a.hartrodt Hong Kong
Mr Derek Lau
电话: +852 2585 6148
电邮: [email protected]
Ms Rebecca Chan / Kay Lam
电话: +852 2827 6211
电邮: [email protected]
HOFEX Connect与HOFEX 2021实体展由同一团队筹组。 因为疫情关系,团队希望提供更多渠道予业界交流,因此举办了是次HOFEX Connect网上商贸配对活动,让买家及供应商可以不受地域限制, 继续进行采购。
而HOFEX 2021实体展览会将由原来的5月12-14日延期至9月7-9日假香港会议展览中心举行。两个活动的推广将同时进行。
是次活动买家费用全免。您只需于网上完成登记, 业内买家身份一经核实后, 便会于6月22日或之后收到网上平台登入密码, 启动账户后即可约见供应商。
Buyer pre-registration for HOFEX Connect (July) and HOFEX physical exhibition in September can both be completed here. You may indicate your registration options accordingly.
1/6 | 买家登记开始 |
15/6 – 21/6 | 供应商建立网上商贸配对平台账户 |
22/6 | 网上平台开放予买家 |
22/6 – 5/7 | 预约会面 |
6/7 – 8/7 | 於约定时间线上会面 |